Sunday, 11 October 2015

When YOU  become the bad influence..

We hear it often when we are trying to make a change in our lives. That change could be lose weight, eat healthier, consume less alcohol or stress less. What we are often told is ‘change your circle of influence’.  Not everyone’s will is put to the test by their surroundings, but when we feel vulnerable it is those around us who can be a bad influence and in times of vulnerability we can crack too easily.... A house full of drinkers can sway the sober room mate, or a dieter can fall prey to the temptation of junk food if it is thoughtlessly left there in the fridge by the not-so-dieting siblings.

Let’s just assume for a moment though that you have been able to change your surroundings and/or the circle of influence.  They have either understood and have amended their ways, or you just simply moved out! Nothing can go wrong now can it, you can still lose weight surely?

Maybe not .... There is the still the biggest influence in your life left to deal with : YOU!  We assume it’s the temptations around us that are our downfall, but how many times have we ‘given in’ to that little voice in our head that simply said ‘go on, just do it – don’t think through the consequences, just DO IT!’  And the switch happens – before you can say ‘but....’ your finger is on the wine glass, hand in the crisp packet or spoon deep in the ice cream tub. The feeling of instant gratification will give way to guilt sooner rather than later, and although you know this you still do it.... There goes the attempt to lose weight ...

When the last worse influence in your life is you,  it’s not easy.  Professional help is always the best way forward.  But from my own limited experience of challenging myself I would offer the following advice : Firstly admit that you do have a problem, over which you are powerless. Now tell yourself “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.  So if you know that a glass of wine on a Friday night  leads to a full bottle every time, why have a glass in the first place?   

Self analysis can and does lead to change.  Understand yourself and the reasons why you do what you do.  Once you can identify your ‘bad self’ and the patterns of behaviour that leads  it to taking over, it becomes easier to control.

So change your external influences for sure, but take some time to understand the real bad influence in the room : You!

#weightloss   #mondaymotivation  #cravingfood  #badinfluence  #baddiet

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Newtown Gym welcomes our newest Personal Trainer - Mark Avraham.
Mark has been exercising for the last 15 years and has a particular passion for strength & conditioning with a focus on good form and technique. Mark believes that less weight performed well can mean more results. It's better sometimes to lift with technique rather than ego!
His other philosophy in training is 'Less talky, More Lifty!
Contact him directly to discuss his services in full : 0406 496 460