Our results based functional training program NewFit officially starts June 14th
Read more about the program on our previous blog - CLICK HERE
Our NEWFIT Free Trial period officially ends June 13th. However you can still book
free trial spots. CLICK HERE to book free trial(s) over the next 2 weeks
NEWFIT SESSION TIMES AS OF JUNE 14TH will be as follows:
Mondays 7:30pm, Tuesdays 7pm, Wednesdays 7pm, Thursdays 7pm, Fridays 6pm
and Saturdays 8:30am
and 2:30pm, Sundays 1:30pm
Get our FIRST 10 PACK DEAL! See us at reception to buy a 10 pack card for only
$120 (that's just $12 per session). Buy before June 14th and get 3 EXTRA SESSIONS
(nb 10 pack sessions need to be used by 6 weeks from date of purchase.)
NewFit-ers are stronger, leaner more agile 'beings' able to
lift,move and sprint with ease.