Monday, 21 December 2015

Our Christmas opening tines

Wishing you all a Merry Fitness and a Happy New Rear!

                For Festive Group Fitness times click here

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

****BUY 3 MONTHS AND GET 3 FREE!!*** Perfect Christmas Gift Voucher

****BUY 3 MONTHS AND GET 3 FREE!!*** It's the perfect Christmas Gift - the gift of fitness that keeps on giving!!   THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER - 20 SPOTS LEFT!
THIS DEAL INCLUDES  a 30 minute Personal Training Session when you book & pay online. CLICK TO PAY ONLINE HERE
To make an enquiry, email us :
In case you want to know what we are like check us out here
Some of our Fine Print: It can be bought as a gift for new members or past members only.
Can be bought for yourself if you are a previous member or new member. Limit is one redemption per person. Cannot be exchanged for cash. Other Terms & Conds apply.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Are you an office worker suffering from neck and shoulder pain?

The solution to neck and shoulder pain could lie within a better understanding of functional training

The damage you do to your body from a sedentary life – tight hip flexors, tight calves, weak glutes and lower abs, rounded shoulders, poor neck posture and a myriad of neck and shoulder pain issues can potentially all be corrected with functional training.

All over your body there are tiny little muscles that are a millimetre or less in diameter and only a centimetre or less  long and these are important stabilising muscles that often don’t get a look in when doing more conventional, (non functional training), forms of exercise.

Think of the body as like a tent- all the guy ropes have to be taut and exerting equal force in order for the structure to remain stable. This means your opposing, (agonist and antagonist), muscles all need to be in balance. By doing exercise that demands this, your body will develop in a way most appropriate to meet the demands.

Functional training will help correct imbalances in the skeletal muscle system thereby improving posture, balance and flexibility. It could also of course provide the answer to your neck and shoulder pain.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

New Fit - Putting the Fun in Functional training workouts

Because nobody should be bored when training.....

Coming soon to Newtown Gym:  functional training workouts in a new dedicated functional training zone!

Building on our years of experience bringing energetic and exciting group fitness classes to you, New Fit takes group personal training to a whole new level.

What are functional training workouts we hear you ask?
Functional training is directly linked to functional movement: It’s really very straight forward and very sensible. Each of us employs different functional movement depending on our work lives or living circumstances. You would not train a bricklayer the same way you would train a mother of three small children. Each has functional movement that are specific to their day to day lives and their strength and conditioning must be tailored accordingly.

Why do  functional training workouts? Because they are FUN. Essentially you increase strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility and develop balance skills all in a way that is fun, individually challenging and motivating. In short- you get to play when you do functional fitness workouts and the functional movement you use at work will improve at the same time!

New Fit is a form of personal training in small to mid-size groups – so as such it will be an extra cost to the standard memberships. Not entirely convinced? We will be offering FREE TRIALS soon. Stay tuned to facebook and email for updates.

New Fit launches within the next few weeks...Keep watching our blog for updates on the functional training workouts 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

When YOU  become the bad influence..

We hear it often when we are trying to make a change in our lives. That change could be lose weight, eat healthier, consume less alcohol or stress less. What we are often told is ‘change your circle of influence’.  Not everyone’s will is put to the test by their surroundings, but when we feel vulnerable it is those around us who can be a bad influence and in times of vulnerability we can crack too easily.... A house full of drinkers can sway the sober room mate, or a dieter can fall prey to the temptation of junk food if it is thoughtlessly left there in the fridge by the not-so-dieting siblings.

Let’s just assume for a moment though that you have been able to change your surroundings and/or the circle of influence.  They have either understood and have amended their ways, or you just simply moved out! Nothing can go wrong now can it, you can still lose weight surely?

Maybe not .... There is the still the biggest influence in your life left to deal with : YOU!  We assume it’s the temptations around us that are our downfall, but how many times have we ‘given in’ to that little voice in our head that simply said ‘go on, just do it – don’t think through the consequences, just DO IT!’  And the switch happens – before you can say ‘but....’ your finger is on the wine glass, hand in the crisp packet or spoon deep in the ice cream tub. The feeling of instant gratification will give way to guilt sooner rather than later, and although you know this you still do it.... There goes the attempt to lose weight ...

When the last worse influence in your life is you,  it’s not easy.  Professional help is always the best way forward.  But from my own limited experience of challenging myself I would offer the following advice : Firstly admit that you do have a problem, over which you are powerless. Now tell yourself “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.  So if you know that a glass of wine on a Friday night  leads to a full bottle every time, why have a glass in the first place?   

Self analysis can and does lead to change.  Understand yourself and the reasons why you do what you do.  Once you can identify your ‘bad self’ and the patterns of behaviour that leads  it to taking over, it becomes easier to control.

So change your external influences for sure, but take some time to understand the real bad influence in the room : You!

#weightloss   #mondaymotivation  #cravingfood  #badinfluence  #baddiet

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Newtown Gym welcomes our newest Personal Trainer - Mark Avraham.
Mark has been exercising for the last 15 years and has a particular passion for strength & conditioning with a focus on good form and technique. Mark believes that less weight performed well can mean more results. It's better sometimes to lift with technique rather than ego!
His other philosophy in training is 'Less talky, More Lifty!
Contact him directly to discuss his services in full : 0406 496 460

Friday, 4 September 2015

Why you should care about Functional Training....

If you’re anything like me- when people have talked about functional training you will have smiled sagely and tried to look intelligent whilst secretly wondering what the hell they were talking about.

Functional training is directly linked to functional movement : It’s really very straight forward and very sensible. Functional training has its roots in rehabilitation. It was designed to enable people to return to their everyday tasks and lives, so this would vary from person to person. You would not train a bricklayer the same way you would train a mother of three small children. Each has functional movements that are specific to their day to day lives and their strength and conditioning must be tailored accordingly.

Functional training in the gym environment is designed to give people the capacity to walk distances without puffing, run for a bus, lift their shopping and develop balance skills
Many injuries and instabilities come from an unbalanced body and poor balance skills. In other words, you get clumsy and trip over. I can personally attest to this one- I fell over in a pair of high heels last year and broke my foot, (admittedly, I was admiring my reflection at the time). As it’s turned out one of my calf muscles is weaker than the other and this is what caused me to lose my balance. If I’d been doing some functional training this would have been apparent before I did the break and I could have addressed the issue.

Most importantly, functional fitness workouts are FUN. Essentially you increase strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility and develop balance skills all in a way that is fun, individually challenging and motivating. In short- you get to play when you do functional fitness workouts.

Author: Felicity Neale

#functional movement
#functional fitness workouts
#functional training

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Strength training – Are you trying to build muscle and getting no-where?
               As Felicity explains, it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it!

Technique- do not let your ego dictate how much you lift. Striving to get a personal best is one thing, but just paying attention to the numbers and no attention to form is a recipe for disaster. That’s an injury that WILL happen.

Whenever you are training for strength and conditioning, always try to understand what is that you’re trying to achieve by a particular movement. Your body is a system of levers.  The job of a muscle is to make the angle of a joint smaller – ie. pull two bones together. Therefore the object of an exercise on the weights floor is not so much to do with moving the dumbbell or barbell as it is about closing that gap between the bones.

See in the illustration below how the angle of the elbow joint lessens in a bicep curl- the forearm bones and the upper arm bones are pulled together by the muscle.
The upper arm remains static and the forearm moves to complete the action.
Too many people think strength training is all about moving the weight and forget that it is about contracting the muscle. This leads to the mindset of getting the weigh from point A to point B any way they can and using every muscle possible and momentum to assist. These are the people who are prone to injury and never seem to change their body shape. This is just one of our articles on strength and conditioning – stay tuned for more

By Felicity Neale

#strengthtraining   #shelifts   #musclebuilding   #GirlswhoTrain  #buildmusle #strengthandconditioning

Thursday, 23 July 2015


Here's Felicity Neale our resident PT expert and writer (from our partner gym 'Bayswater 247 Fitness'

Not only do you tend to comfort eat when you’re stressed- a very quick way to pile on kilos -  but your body also releases a hormone called cortisol.
Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands as part of the fight or flight response.
Chronically elevated cortisol can lower immune function, increase weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also interfere with immune function, learning and memory.
When your body is in a constant fight or flight state cortisol remains in the blood and begins to do damage.
Exercise provides an outlet for anger which in turn will release cortisol.
Thirty minutes three times a week will pay huge dividends in lowering your cortisol levels. This, in conjunction with burning additional calories, (units of energy or stored fat), increasing lung capacity, lowering blood pressure is a sure fire recipe for an enhanced quality of life.

Why spend the rest of your life, stressed, depressed and overweight?


Friday, 3 July 2015

How to have good posture – in the office or at your place of study

Good posture tips

By Felicity Neale

Are you seated all day? Probably at the office or studying. Whichever is true for you, it’s easy to forget how we are seated and how that can affect us daily and further down the track. Good seated posture is as important as our standing posture. 

In fact, we spend a lot of our waking hours at work and many of us are desk bound. Make your environment conducive to postural health. This way, you’re doing your part to sleep better at night and not wake up foggy, cramped and in pain. Of course any chronic sleep disorder or pain should be treated by a recognised and fully trained medical practitioner .
For good seated posture: make sure your eyes are level with the top third of the computer screen. This minimises the tendency to push your neck forward and tilt your chin up which does terrible things to your posture and alignment. It can trap nerves in your neck and restrict blood flow to the brain. This can cause headaches and brain fog.  It also looks really awful.
Back straight, chin tucked under, so your ears, shoulders and hip are aligned. Shoulders should be  down and back.
Elbows close to your sides and a slightly greater than 90 degree angle when you’re using the mouse or keyboard. This will stop you raising one shoulder and putting your neck out of alignment by curving it to one side.
More good posture tips .....Mouse and keyboard should be at the same level. Subtle shifts in shoulder height can occur if you are moving your hand up and down between keyboard and mouse. I see a lot of people who complain about a pain behind the right shoulder blade. I often find adjusting their chair height, hence the relationship of their shoulder and neck fixes the problem.
Check out our pics... I’m sure you can see which one is the correct seated posture!
Keep checking on this blog for more tips on how to have good posture and  coming soon:  read how one of our members transformed her life of panadol popping and constant headaches to a pain free existence

To get a FREE OFFICE or HOME STUDY posture check email us :

Or get free posture check with us at Newtown Gym or Bayswater 247 Fitness.
Contact us or download a free pass on our websites:

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Here Sandra, our Saturday Pilates teacher explains the 'roll like a ball' pilates
move - great for spinal mobility and core strength

Friday, 12 June 2015


How to Have Good Posture.

Part of our winter theme on good posture and a strong core.

Life and gravity destroy your posture- by the age of thirty many people battle to even walk upright.
In this article I will be explaining the fundamentals of good posture as well as some good posture tips.
To have good posture you must first understand some really basic anatomical principles.
Think about the body running in a series of vertical and horizontal planes. The obvious horizontal planes are the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles/ heels.
Stand in front of a mirror- are you shoulders aligned or is one hitched up or dropped? This can cause or be the result of neck problems.
Check the hips- if these don’t align there are a world of problems here. Easiest way to assess this is to see if the iliac crest on both sides are in a straight line. The iliac crest is that small bony bit that sticks out. Get a piece of elastic long enough to circle your hips, tie it and then move the knot to the back. Line the elastic on the top of the iliac crest on each side and the elastic should be parallel to the floor.
Knees should be level and pointing forward.
Ankles/Heels- and this is a big one.  A lot of problems start here and work their way up. One rolled heel has repercussions all the way up the body.
See the figure below to understand how the lines run and how the body can be so misaligned.

The vertical lines work on the same principle-things need to line up!
You should be able to drop a plumb line from your chin to your sternum.
This means the back of your head and shoulders should line up with the back of your heels.
Shoulders are always down and back- get them as far away from your earlobes as you can; keep them relaxed to take pressure off the neck.  Your shoulders are a ball and socket joint, very functional but prone to go wrong. Bear in mind the ball part, (the head of the humerus), needs to be able to move freely in the joint. It doesn’t work properly if it’s jammed up against the front of the socket.
When you have been alive for a long time, and ten years in a long time, life’s stresses and strains start to affect your body.
Use on one side starts to tighten and ultimately short the tendons on that dominant side.
Example – many people’s right shoulder is rolled forward from using a mouse. This means they tilt their head slightly to the right and the neck is curved in a direction it shouldn’t be. This interferes with normal muscle function as some muscles will be constantly activated and others doing things they really shouldn’t be.
This sets up a whole chain of events that can lead to headaches, decreased oxygen supply to the brain-you wake up foggy, can’t think clearly and can’t sleep properly.
Regular stretching can go part of the way to address these issues.  Pilates is designed to help correct imbalance issues.  Coupled with regular visits to allied health professionals like a chiropractor or osteopath- the worst effects of life can be kept at bay.
Hopefully you took some good posture tips from this article that you can apply straight away.

Check out this blog and our websites for new fitness tips, diet and nutrition advice and more in the near future:

By Felicity Neale.
Personal Trainer and Membership Manager at Bayswater 247 Fitness


Monday, 1 June 2015

Lower Back Pain - some useful stats and info!
Estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011-12 National Health Survey indicates that about 3 million Australians (13.6% of the population) have back problems. It has been estimated that 70-90% of people suffer from lower back pain in some form at some point in their lives. From an employer’s point of view lower back pain is associated with both Presenteeism and Absenteeism.
Back problems can have many causes: issues with posture and injuries, diseases such as osteoarthritis, disc disease, osteoporosis, and some genetic conditions. Other factors may increase the risk of developing back problems, such as age, physical fitness, smoking, being overweight, and the type of work a person does.
Many people work in offices or at desks and it is quite simple to develop lower back pain from incorrect ergonomics and bad posture. Lower back pain is not always immediate and can develop over time as a cumulative effect. Because the body is misaligned day after day some muscle groups work harder and over compensate, whilst others can become weak.
Stretching can help with muscular lower back problems. Done consistently this can increase strength and decrease pain.
If you are new to exercise or uncertain about whether stretching is right for you, always consult with a health or exercise specialist. 
By Chris Peters - Bayswater 247 Fitness General Manager
For more info check out our Facebook :
And website:

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Heel Pain - The Symptoms and Risk Factors

This is part two of Lisa Hall's  (Newtown Gym's resident expert Physiotherapist) in depth look at
#‎heelpain‬ and #‎Plantarfasciitis‬

What are the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis? You'll typically first notice early plantar fasciitis pain under your heelor in your foot arch in the morning or after resting.Your heel pain will be worse with the first steps and improves with activity as it warms up.
How Does Plantar Fasciitis Progress?As plantar fasciitis deteriorates, the pain will be present more often. You can determine what stage your are in using the following guidelines:1.     No Heel Pain - Normal!
2.     Heel pain after exercise.
3.     Heel pain before and after exercise.
4.     Heel pain before, during and after exercise.
5.     Heel pain all the time. Including at rest!
This symptom progression is consistent with the four stages of a typical overuse injury.
Ultimately, further trauma and delayed healing will result in the formation of calcium (bone) within the plantar fascia. When this occurs adjacent to the heel bone it is known as heel spurs, which have a longer rehabilitation period.

How is Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosed?Plantar fasciitis is usually diagnosed by your physiotherapist or sports doctor based on your symptoms, history and clinical examination.After confirming your plantar fasciitis they will investigate WHY you are likely to be predisposed to plantar fasciitis and develop a treatment plan to decrease your chance of future bouts.
X-rays may show calcification within the plantar fascia or at its insertion into the calcaneus, which is known as a calcaneal or heel spur.Ultrasound scans and MRI are used to identify any plantar fasciitis tears, inflammation or calcification.Pathology tests (including screening for HLA B27 antigen) may identify spondyloarthritis, which can cause symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis.

Risk Factors for Plantar FasciitisYou are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis if you are:Active - Sports that place excessive stress on the heel bone and attached tissue, especially if you have tight calf muscles or a stiff ankle from a previous ankle sprain, which limits ankle movement eg. Running, ballet dancing and aerobics.
Overweight - Carrying around extra weight increases the strain and stress on your plantar fascia.
Pregnant – The weight gain and swelling associated with pregnancy can cause ligaments to become more relaxed, which can lead to mechanical problems and inflammation.
On your feet – Having a job that requires a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces ie factory workers, teachers and waitresses.
Flat Feet or High Foot Arches – Changes in the arch of your foot changes the shock absorption ability and can stretch and strain the plantar fascia, which then has to absorb the additional force.
Middle-Aged or Older – With ageing the arch of your foot may begin to sag – putting extra stress on the plantar fascia.
Wearing shoes with poor support.Weak Foot Arch Muscles. Muscle fatigue allows your plantar fascia to overstress and cause injury.
Arthritis. Some types of arthritis can cause inflammation in the tendons in the bottom of your foot, which may lead to plantar fasciitis.
Diabetes. Although doctors don't know why, plantar fasciitis occurs more often in people with diabetes.

To get more information and to find out about plantar fasciitis treatment options: contact our highly experienced resident Physiotherapist, Lisa Hall :

Contact:Tel: Mob: 0401 059606Facsimile: 02 95577619Email:

Newtown Gym :

  #heelspur #newtowngym #flatfeet #riskfactorsplantarfasciitis

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Our Member success stories are about you (our members) achieving something outstanding. One such member is RobPatton who recently completed the 100km trail on ANZAC Day for the charity “Soldier On” who help sufferers of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) 
Our regular Facebook readers will of course remember that we interviewed Rob before the fund raiser and we also just caught up with him to see how it all went.
In summary the 100km was: Very challenging, although his plan to pace himself worked well and he finished in a strong position still.
Most rewarding part and what kept him going: Helping others to keep going! He helped an older participant who was struggling because he had chosen a pace that was far too fast, too early. And a mother from Perth who is a PT and was distraught at the prospect of not finishing the trail was spirited on by Rob’s encouragement (and a ride home at the end of the trail thanks to Rob’s wife).
How much did he raise ... Rob reached his target and raised $1978
How long did the 100km take? A very good time of 17 hrs and 35 minutes.
Other secrets to finishing the 100km.... Cheese sandwiches and 5 rest breaks!
We all say congrats here at Newtown Gym!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Stress - do we bring it on ourselves?

Andi Ipschitz from Ignite4Life is a close friend of our Pilates instructor Robert Rhode and will be writing articles for us on the issues of stress, depression and anxiety. Please note that these articles are based on her experiences as an energy healer and neither Andi nor Newtown Gym are pubishing these articles as a prescription or solution to mind based issues. They are intended to bring out points for discussion only. We always recommend seeking professional help or contacting support lines (ie beyond blue) should you be adversely affected by any mind related issues (ie depression)

Here is Andi's article on Stress and how we often bring it upon ourselves...

Stress, can we bring it on ourselves?

In today’s society we all feel the effects of stress in our daily lives. I’m always hearing how stressed everyone is, trying to get through the day with the countless lists of tasks that need to be done. Along with looking after kids, trying to fit in some exercise and social time with friends and family. Stress seems to be the never-ending cycle that we all seem to be in and it’s starting to take its toll!
So what is stress exactly?

Stress is the body’s physical, mental or chemical reaction when we get excited or confused or we otherwise feel unsafe or threatened. Stress is the outcome of you and I reacting. If daily demands are easy and well balanced, we’re fine.  It’s when we decide the pressure is unreasonable or the situation is upsetting, that the potential for damage occurs. That’s when we’ll say we’re feeling stressed.
Over and above the basic functions of day-to-day living - biochemical chain reactions or “stress” reactions could be labelled as bad when the body over-reacts to demands made on it. It means you experience certain acute physical symptoms when you are presented with things that trigger a state of alert in your system. Your body goes into the “high gear mode.” This means your heart beats faster, your breathing rate increases, you sweat more, your muscles tense, and various chemical reactions take place in your brain.
Stress can be important when we are faced with life threatening circumstances. This is known as the ‘fight or flight’ it heightens our abilities to think quickly, move fast and allow us to get out of potential near death situations.
Nobody else can actually give you stress, you have to react to something and allow yourself to become stressed. We need to understand that the only thing you can control is YOU. It takes awhile to get used to the idea that being stressed-out is in fact a choice. That indeed, after your first spontaneous reaction, you can accept the stress reactions and feel overwhelmed or, you can practice stress management and become calm.
Stress can lead to depression very easily, when we don’t understand that we can control our life situations, it’s very easy to become the victim of our circumstances. When we are in a prolonged period of living in blame, denial or make excuses, we lose our own self –empowerment, this can lead to depression. Unfortunately this is a program that has been built into us since birth. Today’s media, world leaders and religion haven’t made it easy for us to feel in control of our own lives in the western world.
On the flipside, panic attacks and anxiety are also linked to stress. We humans have on average between 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts are day. Can you imagine what our stress levels would rise to if the majority of thoughts were fear based and negative?
Anxiety stems from a need to be perfect, quite often the high achiever can suffer from this. When we come from a negative mindset of ‘I need to get this done perfectly or I’m a failure” a feeling of unease occurs within, leading to a build up of pressure to perform and eventually panic stations alert. Again anxiety is self -inflicted based on the patterns of thoughts we think before attempting a task. By becoming self -aware and cognitively being able to manage your thought patterns you can stop the anxiety and panic attacks from emanating.

By Andi Ipschitz:

#copewithstress #managedepression #depression #howtodealwithdepression

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Ever wondered about the secret to getting that elusive sixpack?

Rohan reveals how to reveal those elusive stomach muscles..
The abdominal area is where most bodies store some fat. The result is this area is often not the way we would like it to look. Having a strong and defined midsection results from a combination of two things – strong muscles in that area, and reducing the fat layer over the muscles. In short, diet and exercise.
The stronger your abs are, the more they can be seen. As they strengthen, these muscles get rounder forming the so called “six-pack”. To strengthen them, aim to do some core work every day. They can take it, after all they are already used to doing low-level work all day every day to stabilise you – they just like to complain a lot about doing hard work! To stimulate significant growth, you need to challenge these muscles hard, i.e. training to failure with more than just body weight.
However, no matter how strong your abs are, if they’re covered by a thick layer of fat they won’t be seen. That’s why diet is vital! Aim to eat a little less energy than the amount of energy you spend each day. Most smartphone fitness apps or online sites can determine your energy needs. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegies and limit foods you know aren’t great – those high in fat and sugar. This will help reduce body fat levels.
There aren’t short cuts for abs. But maybe it’s time to just do the work to get the result … it is achievable.
Rohan Tate
Personal Trainer
Rotation Fitness
0466 288 714

Friday, 13 March 2015

What causes heel pain?

This is part one of two articles on   by our resident physio Lisa Hall 

What causes heel pain?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common heel pain causes.
Your plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.
Your plantar fascia acts as a passive limitation to the over flattening of you arch. When your plantar fascia develops micro tears or becomes inflammed it is known as plantar fasciitis.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of those injuries that magically seems to appear for no apparent reason. However, plantar fasciitis is caused by one of two methods. 
They are either traction or compression injuries. 
Plantar fasciitis is most often associated with impact and running sports, especially those that involve toe running rather than heel running styles. 
It is also commonly diagnosed in individuals with poor foot biomechanics that stress the plantar fascia. Flat feet or weak foot arch control muscles are two common causes of plantar fasciitis.

Traction Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis symptoms are usually exacerbated via "traction" (or stretching) forces on the plantar fascia. In simple terms, you plantar fascia is repeatedly overstretched. The most common reason for the overstretching are an elongated arch due to either poor foot biomechanics (eg overpronation) or weakness of your foot arch muscles.

Compression Plantar Fasciitis

Compression type plantar fascia injuries have a traumatic history. Landing on a sharp object that bruises your plantar fascia is your most likely truma.
The location of plantar fasciitis pain will be further under your arch than under your heel, which is more likely to be a fat pad contusion if a single trauma caused your pain.
The compression type plantar fasciitis can confused with a fat pad contusion that is often described as a "stone bruise".

To get more information and to find out about plantar fasciitis treatment options:  contact our highly experienced resident Physiotherapist, Lisa Hall :
Tel: Mob: 0401 059606
Facsimile: 02 95577619


Thursday, 5 February 2015

This is the first of many weekly fitness posts by one of our resident PTs and fitness expert : Rohan Tate.

At this time of year, many people are restarting their fitness regimes, or trying to get into their best shape ready for Mardi Gras (note the pic of our members from a past parade!). Here are three things which are important to help you stay on track.

Firstly, set a definite goal. It’s always easier to be working towards something defined rather than just ‘seeing how you go’. Make sure your goal is reasonable, motivating, and measurable so you know if you’re on track towards achieving it. For example, fitting into a certain pair of jeans, losing a fixed amount of weight, or going to the gym a defined number of times each week.

Secondly, be consistent. You can want something as much as you like, but if you are serious about achieving it, make a plan and stick to it. Having a fixed time frame can be useful to keep you motivated to make as much difference as you can to work towards your goal.

Thirdly, improving any aspect of your health is a balance of exercise, diet, and sleep! You need to address all of these things to get the most out of the effort you put in at the gym.

Today is the best day to start the process. Time to stop procrastinating and just start! You can do it. Get moving in the right direction!

Rohan Tate
Personal Trainer
Rotation Fitness
0466 288 714
#gayandlesbianmardigras #getabsfast #gay #gaylife
#rapidweightloss #muscle

Photo: This is the first of many weekly fitness posts by one of our resident PTs and fitness expert : Rohan Tate. 

At this time of year, many people are restarting their fitness regimes, or trying to get into their best shape ready for Mardi Gras (note the pic of our members from a past parade!).  Here are three things which are important to help you stay on track.

Firstly, set a definite goal.  It’s always easier to be working towards something defined rather than just ‘seeing how you go’.  Make sure your goal is reasonable, motivating, and measurable so you know if you’re on track towards achieving it. For example, fitting into a certain pair of jeans, losing a fixed amount of weight, or going to the gym a defined number of times each week.

Secondly, be consistent.  You can want something as much as you like, but if you are serious about achieving it, make a plan and stick to it.  Having a fixed time frame can be useful to keep you motivated to make as much difference as you can to work towards your goal.

Thirdly, improving any aspect of your health is a balance of exercise, diet, and sleep! You need to address all of these things to get the most out of the effort you put in at the gym.

Today is the best day to start the process. Time to stop procrastinating and just start! You can do it.  Get moving in the right direction!

Rohan Tate
Personal Trainer
Rotation Fitness
0466 288 714 
#gayandlesbianmardigras #getabsfast #gay #gaylife 
#rapidweightloss #muscle

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Stuck for a Healthy Dinner Recipe? Well thanks to Fresh Fit Meals we have one just for you to cook tonight!
DISH: White wine Braised Chicken Thigh with Mushroom, Tarragon, Parsley and sautéed Cabbage and Kale
200g x chicken thigh per portion.
1kg x F.R. chicken thigh (trimmed)
50g x celery (fine dice)
50g x carrot (fine dice)
50g x brown onion (fine dice)
150ml x White wine
400ml x Chicken stock
1ea x Bay leaf
4g x Salt
3g x White pepper
Olive oil
Chop the carrots, celery and onion in the food processor. Place a small amount of oil into a pot and heat with bay leaf sweat, the onion, carrot and celery, adding no colour. Add the wine and cook off the alcohol, then add the stock, seasoning and return to a simmer for 10mins to combine the ingredients
Trim the chicken thighs, and coat with oil and season, Seal the thighs on a hot plate taking to golden brown. Place the trimmed thighs on a baking tray, or in the gastronome and place into the oven at 200°C for 10min, until lightly browned.
Place the chicken and braising liquid into deep gastronomes and ix well, before double wrapping with foil. Bake for 90mins at 160°C. Place straight into the cool room, still covered to cool.
Buckwheat and Cabbage:
55g x Buckwheat (1:1.5 ratio of b/wheat to water)
40g x button mushrooms (thin slice)
1g x Tarragon (fine chop) (1/15bunch)
1g x Dried Tarragon
1g x Thyme (fine chop) (1/15bunch)
1g x Dried Thyme
120g x White cabbage ((0.3cm slice)
40g x Kale (washed and fine slice) (1/15bunch)
0.1g x Black pepper
0.1g x Salt
Roast the buckwheat until a nutty smell come off them, do this in a deep pot. When toasted add 1.5ml of water to the b/wheat volume, and bring to the boil, stirring frequently. Add the dried herbs. When the liquid is absorbed and the buckwheat is tender, but still holding shape, remove from heat and cool on flat trays. Heat some oil in a pan and sauté the mushrooms, add the fresh herbs and seasoning, mix well. Sautee the mushrooms with the seasoning and fresh parsley, then add to the buckwheat and mix well, ensuring the buckwheat is lose. Cool further covered in the cool room. Add the mushroom mix to the buckwheat and mix well, ensuring the buckwheat is lose. Cool further, covered in the cool room and store.
Heat a small amount of stock in a deep pot. Add the cabbage and sweat thoroughly for 5mins. Then add the kale and mix through the cabbage and wilt the kale. Remove from heat and cool in a flat traY.
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